Test Fee: $180 USD
1. Natural predisposition to healthy habits:
⦿ Body: timing, reflexes, agility, nutritional order, preventive self-care, violence tendency control, addiction tendency control.
⦿ Mind: control of phobias, exercise of the mind, transmission of feelings, self-acceptance, voluntary isolation, resistance to stress, positivism.
2. Psychogenic variables:
⦿ Cognitive: concentration, perseverance, self-control, foresight, patience, meticulousness, self-confidence, analytical skills, self-criticism.
⦿ Emotional: passion and enthusiasm, tolerance for frustration, competitiveness, teamwork, creativity, ambition, dynamism, cunning, daring.
3. Sports affinities:
⦿ Individual Sports
⦿ Team sports
⦿ Associative sports
4. Recommendations.
This is not a definitive test! You can repeat it after you have implemented a development plan to assess your progress towards success.
We are a brand focused on the Emotional DNA test and complements distribution.